Fagbayibo Oluwasegun on Yoodalo

Fagbayibo Oluwasegun

UX designer | Software developer

University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo., Nigeria

  • Rate $ 0 31
  • Rate Per Hour $ 0 00
  • Rate Per Day $ 0 00
  • Experience 4 Yrs
  • Work Type Remote
  • Phone Verified No
  • Joined Apr 2023

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About Me

A UI/UX Designer and a concrete Software developer with a proven ability to adapt in both self-starting and collaborative environments while staying focused on achieving high-quality results under strict deadlines.


  • Always assess a vendor's profile to your satisfaction before engaging or contacting them.
  • Refrain from making payments until your request has been completed. If necessary to pay before a service is rendered, consider adopting agreed milestones.
  • Avoid meeting vendors in remote or unfamiliar places and always arrange to meet in a safe,well-lit public place.
  • Never give out your financial or personal information such as your ID, BVN, NIN or other related information.
  • Consider checking a vendor's social media profiles to get more information about the nature of their business. Good luck!

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